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Tiffany Clare

Archive for August, 2009

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009
Crazy Deadlines and Period Flicks
I'm in deadline mode. That means no reading (for fun), no goofing off whenever the mood strikes, no cleaning the house AT ALL there is no longer a two second rule for dropped food, just bring it over to the garbage...

When this book is done (very soon) then I will become a somewhat sane person again.

I want an awesome present. I want to watch some great period flicks when this is over. You know those movies you can't live without? That you recommend to everyone? Something to set the mood if you love reading or writing historical.

I love period flicks. Chances are I've seen a good chunk of them at least once (though I can't guarantee I'll remember the title).

My most watched movie-EVER: The Piano. I'm a sucker for the musically inclined.

So my next favorite movie should come as no great surprise, and it's second most watched movie I own: Immortal Beloved. Let's face it, it's no great secret that I adore everything Beethoven.

Recently discovered a fave and I've watched at least a dozen times this year alone: Lady Chatterley. Drove me nuts they changed Mellors name to Parkin (maybe Mellors is hard to say en Français?), but this is by far the best rendition of Lawrence's book. I own three other versions, and for the most part they suck and do the book no justice in any shape or form. In fact, some are completely diff from the book.

Give me more. I've already got North & South down pat (it's four hours though so can't watch it as frequently). But I know there are some that want to join these three movies in my binge the moment I'm finished with Asbury's book.

(Ely here: P.S. Congrats to Tessa Dare on her new release, Surrender of a Siren. Buy this book now!)