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Tiffany Clare

Archive for October, 2009

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009
Writing is about Rewriting
I love and I hate beginnings. I love figuring out the setting (as I blogged about last month), I love figuring out my characters. Love seeing them grow on the page and reveal their desires and fears in life. Love their romance to develop and grow.

But beginnings can be tough. I'll admit, I'm one of those that usually fly's through the first half of the book in a little over a month sometimes two. And then go back and make my changes. Usually I start at just the right time. The right place. I have a penchant for starting with Dialogue and in the middle of the action.

However, I did not do that with this book. I didn't know until I had written a good 7K that I was starting in the totally wrong spot. It didn't work for the characters, for me, for the story. It slagged. There was too much backstory, too much introspect. So, I put the book down for a couple weeks and thought about it. I didn't realize that I would need to change the beginning (start it from page ten of what I had, not page one. Start it from Elliott's POV--I rarely start in the male's Point of View. But this book feels different. Heck, it is different. I don't have a swarm of women to support each other in this book, something I've relied on for all the other historicals I've written. I feel like I'm wadding into uncharted waters sans life jacket.

A very good and wise friend said to me in the very beginning of my writing journey: Writing is about rewriting. I've taken that to heart. I've reminded myself of this every step of the way. I've repeated this mantra when I'm in revisions. When I know I have to cut scenes, when I know I've done something wrong in the story and I have to fix it.

What is the best piece of advise you've taken in your writing journey. The one thing you constantly remind yourself of? The one thing you repeat often to others (yes I tell everyone writing is about rewriting).