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Tiffany Clare

Archive for November, 2009

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009
Can I say how happy I am to see the rear end of October. The whole month was about interference. It was like the world was conspiring against me to accomplish any single worthy task: in writing, at work, in life. Everything felt more or less as though it was in limbo.

Writing goals last month: hit 20K by Oct 31. Well, I did make it to 8K before the month ended. I did rewrite the beginning twice and cut a whole pile. I did lose my hard drive with all my research, but only about 10 pages of un-backed up WIP.

Life goals last month: That required too much thinking and figuring out to actually accomplish anything worthwhile. My kids spent the second half of the month sick. Halloween was a time suck and not overly enjoyable for me this year.

Work goals last month: fix my damn filing that is all wonky. Instead I feel like I'm trudging through sludge because it's been crazy busy. I feel like I'm crawling on the ground with bloodied fingers from loss of nails. I get home at night and feel like a great big slump.

November goals: Hit 30K and write the synopsis by the end of the month. This is easy, only 19K to go and the synopsis is started, sort of, in long hand, so I'm tweaking that daily.

Kids are better. They are not allowed to be sick anymore. I've told them so :)

Work? Well, I say screw the filing system. It's gonna have to wait, lol.

How's everyone else been over the last month? Any interference in your life? Has it affected your writing life?