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Tiffany Clare

Archive for December, 2010

Thursday, December 16th, 2010
Only Nine Days left
And I've done no Christmas shopping. Is anyone else in the same boat? I have managed to make Ginger Snap cookies for my kids teachers, just in time for the school term to end. But other than that, I've done nothing.

I'm going to apologize for my lame post, but I've just had my wisdom teeth out and am all out of sorts. Yeah--whodathunk removing a few teeth would knock you on your butt for a few days? Goodness, I feel useless. And this is the worst time of year to feel useless!

How is everyone else's holiday stuff coming along? Tell me I'm not the only person who hasn't bought a single present so far.

Got any quick recipes for xmas goodies? I love me some sweets and am going to load up as soon as the big hole in my mouth is all healed up!
Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
Reunited, It Feels . . . Not So Good
Yeah, it's totally early to plug my next release . . . BUT I got this review that was totally awesome (Night Owl Reviews, TOP PICK-goes live Jan 18) and because I can't share it, I thought I'd give you SOMETHING.

Just for fun (mostly this is Ely's awesomeness and helping unfunny/dry-humor me, because she's awesome at this stuff) here's a little fun . . .

The Seduction of His Wife:

Here's a story
of a lovely lady
Who likes to paint
lots of naked ladies *coughs/hacks/coughs* including herself, fair and naughty
She makes lots of money
so it's hard to care
She has two sisters
that are completely crazy
and dare her do strange things
like climb a tree and roll down hills
You'd think these women were little instead of fully grown!
One sister is a merry widow
who wants nothing more than a brawny bloke
The other is much younger
and eventually runs away for some adventure (cue Beauty & the Beast having babies with Jane Eyre music here)

Here's a story,
of an arrogant bloke
Who's as rich as an oak (sorry, Earl didn't rhyme)
And is a bit of an alpha-hole (but sarcastic as all get-out)
He ran away
when his dad married him to a girl (no really she was like 14 he was only 19)
But now he's back
with his totally hot sidekick, the Italian Count, Dante (bow chicka bow wow--he's totally getting it on with the merry widow)
They are running back to English soils
because someone's trying to kill them
Then he sees his wife in a brothel
All grown up and so hot he gets a boner

She escapes him
And he chases
Because lets face it, he's like a stag during mating season

And as to the lady
she has this hubby
He's a complete dumbass
but he can't help himself
Here ensues lots of steaminess
but said wife proves not so easy to seduce
Now the Earl is forced to think with his other head
but enter the whacked/psycho villain
who shakes things up for happy bliss in this pairing

Of course this is a romance and it ends with happiness
But to read the story unfolding and to see the true end
you'll have to pick this up in February (1st) man.

Are you excited about this Marriage in Trouble book? Got questions? Curious? You got any fun songs for your favorite romance books?