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Tiffany Clare

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009
It all starts with the Setting

I love finishing a book. It means that I can work on the next project that I’ve already been thinking about for some months.

I’m gearing up to tell Abby and Elliott’s story. It’s got a very Jane Eyre feel for me with Abby being a governess, Elliott having a very dark past he wants to forget but can’t with his seven year old son staring back at him every day–don’t worry, there is no crazy wife in the attic.

I’ve chosen a secluded setting. I’m spreading out into the wilds of Northumberland. While doing research I stumbled upon the very private, kind of scary, and remote Bramburgh Castle.

Abby Halloway’s character is larger than life. She’s my little firecracker of the sisters. So much a page stealer I had to boot her off to Northern England so her sisters stories could be told.
I knew I had to give her a larger than life setting. Something that would temper her character and give my hero a step up so he’s not overshadowed by her brilliance. (Can you tell how much I love her?)

Though Elliott is a force to be reckoned with as well. He hasn’t had the easiest life, so when Abby Halloway shows up to fill the governess position, he refuses to play into her princess attitude. In fact, he’s outright ignoring her. In the process, he’s infuriating my young heroine.

For me, the setting is like another character. It needs to come alive around my characters and help set the overall mood of the story. I take as much time choosing my settings as I do forming my characters.

What are some of your favorite settings in books? Is there anything you haven’t read but would love to read for setting? What do you think of my humble abode?

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