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Tiffany Clare

Thursday, August 19th, 2010
Beta vs. Alpha vs. Fake Alpha

You’re probably looking at the title going huh? There’s a fake alpha? Well, I’d like to think so. I’m sure the fake alpha can also be referred to as a Gamma… but for the purpose of this blog I’m going to call him the fake alpha.

What is a fake alpha? My interpretation is: Someone who appears on the outside to be a domineering, forward, take charge man, but on the inside might be acting that way for forms sake, but isn’t necessarily as confident as he seems.

Did I confuse everyone? LOL That’s about how I feel–confused and frustrated. I’m currently revising my composer book. And Thaddeus is about to have a makeover. He is a beta through and through. (And the only beta I’ve ever written.) I love a good beta and alpha like any woman, but for Thaddeus this is serious flaw in his make-up. So… I have to turn him into a fake alpha. It’s a fine line to walk when making changes though, because it’s easy to turn him into an alpha, but in doing so, I’d lose the essential characteristics that make him such a great guy.

Are there any books you’ve read that have a fake alpha that you would recommend? Maybe the hero acts like an alpha in public settings, but that is just a show he is putting on. Maybe you’ve read an alpha that is unsure of himself? Or just not the domineering type and will let things be as they are. Do any writers out there have any suggestions?

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