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Tiffany Clare

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011
Favorite Quotes

I have this thing: I love little blurbs, stories, quotes at the beginning of chapters. In my books and in books I read. It’s just a nice final touch. Even if it’s just one quote at the beginning of the book. Okay, so you think I’m just weird, and I freely admit that to be the truth!

My first book, The Surrender of a Lady, had titled chapters (a sort of hint into what would happen in the course of the chapter). Titles like Slave Trader, Initiation Into the Harem, Reunion & Reconciliation.

My second book, The Seduction of His Wife, had quotes from my heroines undelivered letters to her husband. all rather romantic, IMO, and growing more and more frustrated as the years of separation started to wear her down:“Words escape me. Why is it I’m helpless but to bleed ink onto paper, even if I never deliver the final version of this letter?”

My third book, The Secret Desires of a Governess, showcases a tidbit of a children’s fairy tale at the beginning of each chapter, which concludes at the end of the book. “In the Kingdom of Brahmors, there was a young prince who lived under the shadow of his father’s rule. He wished to stand up to the king but the prince was young and did not bear the strength needed to do so. The land around the kingdom was sad and oppressed and the heavens no longer rained down atop the grains that sustained the land.
—From The Dragon of Brahmors”

In my current book, tentatively titled Tempted by Your Touch (a picture of my heroine as I see her–dress included–is above), I use actual quotes from composers. Preferably of the love variety (I’m still looking for more)! Of course I use a healthy dose of Beethoven’s from the Immortal Beloved letters (I have a huge crush on the man). Below are a sampling of the ones I am using:

Do not ever conceal yourself from me.
Love demands everything and that very justly.
My angel, my all, my very self. – Beethoven

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. – Schubert

To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of the artist. – R. Schumann

A thousand kisses from your faithful bride. – Clara Schumann

Do you have favorite books that use any of these methods? Poetry, plays, quotes, etc.? I can think of a few authors I love that use one or more of these items. Do you have any favorite quotes you want to share?

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