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Tiffany Clare

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011
Hidden Talents, Home Made Presents for the Holidays

I recently said to a friend (and I think it was Elyssa) that I was teaching my daughter how to crochet. She said, I didn’t know you could crochet! I guess I probably hadn’t ever said anything because I haven’t crocheted for a number of years now (it’s a time suck and I used to do it simply to kill the time when my kids were babies and sleeping in their bouncy chairs–bouncy with the aid of my foot)<–now you see why I had a lot of time to kill.

I recently picked it up again because my daughter has shown an interest, and because crocheted items make GREAT xmas presents. I’m making a total of five scarves plus one for my daughter (already made).

I can’t knit at all, but I can crochet quite well. I think my love came from my great grandmother. I remember when I was growing up how she would make all her kids and grandchildren –there are like 50 of them (my mum, aunts and uncles, great aunts and uncles)–a lace doily every Christmas. Without fail. And when I was old enough she would make me one at Christmas, too! When she passed away a few years ago I asked the relatives if they had any doilies I could have, and they did not disappoint! So now I have a collection of the most beautiful lace doilies (stored right now) and a passion for crochet. I wonder if I would have ever learned how to crochet if I hadn’t grown up with my great grandmother’s beautiful doilies all around ours and our relatives houses!

Do you have any hidden talents? Do you make your Christmas/Holiday presents? If not, what would you like to learn how to make/create?

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