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Tiffany Clare

Thursday, June 24th, 2010
The Cool Stuff about Counting down to releases

So. I got ARCs!!!

Only a little excited. OKAY! REALLY EXCITED! I can hold a version of the book in my own hands! It’s ALMOST real. When I see it on the shelves, I’ll try not to be too annoying 🙂 because then it WILL be real.

I’m not sure what to do with them yet. I want to give them all away, but will settle for giving away ONE copy to those who sign up for my newsletter in the next couple weeks (I’ll enter you twice into the random draw if you follow me on Twitter, too). Contest will run until JULY 15, 2010! I know, it’s a million days away, but it’ll come quick and I want to give everyone on facebook and twitter a chance to enter for the one I’m giving away.

My family is asking for copies. I want to share even if they are the uncorrected versions of the book. But I have such a limited number. What would you do with ARC’s if you got them? Are you a reader that adores getting advance books of authors you love most? Are there ARC’s you wish you could get your hands on?

In case you want to know what the book is about, here’s the teaser on the first page (And you saw it here first!):

How had she ended up in a place like this?
When he’d moved back to England after his uncle’s death, the first thing he’d done was look for her. That had to be some five years ago. His sources had said she was still married to that lowly baron with an estate up north. Perhaps Griffin had given up his search too easily.
Griffin turned away from the scene and looked for the man who escorted them up to this section of the palace. Griffin had made his selection. He’d had to pull himself through a long path of self-destruction to make it to this point. Was this some sick ironic award for moral behavior? It didn’t matter. It was what it was. After all these years, she was finally going to be his.

Back Blurb can be found here.

This giveaway is open internationally. So if you live in France (why is that always the first country that comes to mind, oh probably because I would love to live in Paris, even though I’ve never been there), I’ll totally ship the book to you.

Already signed up for my newsletter? No problem, you’ll automatically be entered into the draw!

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