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Tiffany Clare

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010
It’s all about the clothes

Okay, perhaps it’s not. But I love shopping for a few new pieces for my wardrobe come RWA time! My first RWA I did it ALL last minute… and shopping actually stresses me out if I feel rushed. I can never find anything that fits me properly, so I need to spend time in the stores, hemming and hawing and then finally sinking and buying something I love.

This year it’s in Orlando, which means it’s hot, but cold inside. Sigh, it’s hard to win in two opposing climates. But I’ve got lightweight dresses so I don’t sweat to death in the heat, and some cardigans to keep me warm should I feel a bit of a chill indoors.

This year I went shopping MONTHS before I needed to. I’ve actually had my RITA dress for about six weeks now!

I bought a colour I’ve never bought before! Champagne… And I’m so excited about it. No, I won’t share a picture, but this year, I promise to at least take A picture!

So, if you’re going to the RWA National Conference, have you bought some new clothes? I can’t be the only one obsessed about this. Though obsesses seems a bit harsh a word. Spill, does anyone else have a shopping bug? I have a love of dresses… I have more dresses than a girl really needs to own! What about you?

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